About Us

Why Choose Gaylord Courses?

At Gaylord Courses, we strive to provide the highest quality continuing education courses for medical professionals and insurance agents. We believe our unique approach and perspective to the personal injury marketplace results in exceptional experiences for our students.

Pros Supporting Pros

We have created a comprehensive training program both online and offline to ensure participants are prepared to learn as much as possible and pass their exam on the first attempt. We offer a variety of formats to maximize learning and your overall experience.
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What Makes Us Different:

Investing in continuous learning and skill enhancement is crucial in today’s challenging economic climate to maintain a competitive edge.

Creating Quality CE Courses is Our Jam!

We started Gaylord Courses to offer our unique perspective including experience from current and former insurance agents, claims and legal professional, and medical experts.

When creating continuing education opportunities our in-depth knowledge of the insurance, medical and legal industries – from selling insurance to evaluating extensive medical records to negotiating multi-million dollar personal injury claims – allows us to uniquely understand how the insurance claims process works and create compelling and relevant content.

We apply this experience to provide cutting-edge content and learning opportunities. We make certain participants are getting they quality content that allows both professional and personal growth.

Elevate Your Expertise Today!

Gaylord Courses combines decades of experience with modern methodologies. Enroll and witness a transformative journey in personal injury education.